Oils and Fats Testing Laboratory
We consume oil and fats in various forms. Gujarat Laboratoryis the state of art Oils and Fats Testing Laboratory in India to keep a checkon the various products and agriculturalproduce. The consumption of healthy oil and fatsin a balanced diet is always good for health. It ensures the supply of energywithin the body by managing adequate reserves for thesame. Oils and fats also help in maintaining body temperature and keepit in function. We offer a range of Chemical Tests forFats and Oils in products to determine their quality and properties as per thestandards. Be it animal feeds, soaps, cooking oil or any other blend, thepresence of natural or artificial oil and fats are unavoidable. Before theseconsumer goods go to thepublic, their producers and the authorities would like to check andensure the safety of its consumption. The test reports from laboratories arealso important to food producers as it helps in disclosing the full nutritionalvalue and contents over the packaging. Gujarat Laboratory is accredited by FSSAI,BIS, AGMARK, and APEDA.
Not only food products, but cosmetics are also a rich sourceof oils and fats that our body needs to deal with on adaily basis. Our scientists, researchers, and staff at Oils and Fatstesting Laboratory are adept in composition, characteristics, and regulationsfor oils and fats to assess their suitability and safety of usage. Ourcomprehensive Chemical Test for cosmetics includes atest of color, viscosity, density, acid index, peroxide, index, sterolfraction, Dry extract, odor, Fatty acid composition, Solubility in isopropanol,etc. Gujarat Laboratory performs Chemical Test for Fats and Oils includingspecific analytics to establish the quality and authenticity of products (likeoxidation parameters, free fatty acids, oxidative stability, etc.), theirsensory evaluation (like refined and virgin oils, expert assessments,synchronization, basic descriptive analysis), testing of residues andcontaminants in products (organic & inorganic contaminants, mycotoxins,pesticides), and more.
We provide the testing services for Oils & Fats Analysisas per Food Safety & Standard Regulations andas per the Indian Standards by performing the following:
1. Chemical Analysis
2. Pesticide Residues
3. Trace Element Analysis
4. Food Additives
5. Vitamin A & D2
6. Microbiological Analysis