Nuts and Raisins Testing in Gujarat
Gujarat Laboratory has state of the art Nut Testing andRaisins Testing facilities in India. We are one of the oldest, reliable,accurate and trusted facilities for Nuts and Raisins Analysis in Gujarat.People have experienced various allergies from nuts,butnot all nuts have the same level of allergy elements involved. For example, Hazelnut allergy is largely common amongpeople, whereas almonds or coconuts have witnessed better toleration levelsamong people. Hence it becomes necessary to get the labelling on the packagedfood that uses these nuts as their ingredients. The hidden traces are needed toidentify which may cause a critical problem for certain individuals. The traces can be identifiedat our Nut Testing facility in Gujarat Laboratory.
Raisins may also haveimpurities. They may get contaminated with metals like lead, copper, arsenic,mercury, zinc, etc. access of which can be harmful tothehuman body. It is better to get the sample tested in a trusted RaisinsTesting facility. The food manufacturers also at a timeadd artificial sweeteners Sorbitol, Aspartame, Sucralose, etc., which may cause serious damage to people. Societyremains concerned with the presence of these elements and artificialsweeteners. To address these concerns, we havethe best facility and labs for Nuts and Raisins Analysis in Gujarat. With ourexperts and experienced researchers, we provide detailed analysis of packagedfood as per FSSAI standards and other standards as per requirements. We serve NGOs, Government authorities, corporate, startups, etc. from all over India. Ourrich experience of more than 30 years makes us the leader of all laboratoriesin India.
We provide the followingtesting services for Nuts & Raisin as per Food Safety & Standard Regulations and as per the IndianStandards:
1. Chemical Analysis
2. Pesticide Residues
3. Trace Element Analysis
4. Vitamins
5. Nutritional Value Analysis
6. Shelf Life Studies
7. Microbiological Analysis