Why water testing is required

Why water testing is required

  7 September, 2020

Why water testing is required

Water is a transparent, odorless, tasteless, chemical substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen. It is one of the most important and essential compounds. Water is the main component of Earth’s Hydrosphere and the main fluids of all living entities. There is the same amount of water on Earth as there was when the Earth was formed. Almost 97% of the world’s water is non-drinkable or salty. Water covers 71% of Earth’s surface, mostly as ocean and seas. Only a small portion of water is drinkable which comes as groundwater (1.7%). That’s why it is important to test the water to make groundwater as drink water. Let’s see some reasons why water testing is important.

Regular water testing is important to identify existing problems and to make sure that water is suitable to use especially for drinking purposes for humans and animals. Even if your current water supply is clean and safe to drink, a regular test is important because it gives you a clear idea about the water quality which can help you to solve your future problems. We can suggest that test the water at least once in a year to confirm bacteria, total dissolved solids, and PH Levels in it. There are some types of water testing are available, like,


  • Mineral tests- A mineral test can include calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, and some other components. It can give you an idea about the mineral content in the water. You can check the level of whether it is high enough to affect the health and cleaning capacities in your water.


  • Organic Chemicals test- These tests are basically performed to find out a specific contaminant that has already affected the water system (such as pesticides entering the water supply).


  • Bacteriological tests- This particular test generally indicates the bacteria in the water level and it can detect the presence or the absence of the disease-causing bacteria in the water.


Why trust us?

If you require any kind of testing of food or water, Gujarat Laboratory gives you a vast range of physical, microbiological, chemical testing services combined with leading technical expertise and customer service. Our dedicated team of experts who are recognized as being among one of the best in the Water testing Industry in Gujarat. We do offer you a large range of analytical testing services across India and especially in Gujarat. The laboratory provides testing services to individuals, traders, industries, co-operative sectors, Government undertakings, packers, and institutions. Our water testing laboratory in India provides you in-field sampling services to organizations and Private individuals throughout in India. We provide the complete testing services for water as per the BIS Guideline (Bureau of Indian Standards). We do Chemical Analysis, Pesticides Residues, Trace element analysis, and so on.

Our goal is to achieve complete customer satisfaction and continuous improvement by involving our customer's consideration in our development and will focus on efficiency, trade, and value. For more information on how we can assist you? Just call us or fill an inquiry form, a member of Gujarat Laboratory will get in touch with you shortly. Live your life healthy with us!

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